

On Parent-child Autobiographical Narration and Its Inspirations for Early Childhood Education
摘要 父母-孩子自传叙事是指父母和孩子共同分享孩子的自传记忆并进行交流。父母尤其是母亲与孩子之间的自传叙事是儿童早期认知、自我、社会情感等发展的重要方式,而自传叙事的内容、风格以及结构影响着儿童认知能力发展的方向。本文对国内外有关父母-孩子自传叙事的研究进行了梳理,以期为促进儿童心理理论、自我、情绪理解、语言表达、心理健康等方面的发展提供借鉴。 Parent-child autobiographic narration refers to parent-child communication by sharing the child's autobiographic memory. Parent-child, especially mother-child autobiographic narration is a very important way for children's development in early cognition, self and social emotion, while the contents, style and structure of autobiographic narration influence the direction of children's cognitive development. This paper makes an overview of related researches home and abroad in hope of offering inspirations for children's development of psychology theory, self, emotion compression, linguistic expression and their mental health.
出处 《幼儿教育(教育科学)》 2009年第9期41-44,53,共5页 Early Childhood Education(Educational Sciences)
关键词 自传记忆 父母-孩子自传叙事 情绪 心理理论 早期教育 antobiographic memory parent-child autobiographic narration emotion psychology theory , early childhood education
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