
步态训练机器人模拟弹性地面承载特性研究 被引量:1

Research on gait training robot simulating the load bearing characteristics of elastic ground surface
摘要 步态训练机器人是一种可以帮助人模拟不同路况行走的机器人。针对机器人模拟不同弹性地面承载特性的要求,在机器人末端的竖直运动方向上引入了柔顺控制,水平运动和姿态运动方向上引入位置控制,并建立了控制系统模型。在MATLAB环境下搭建系统模型并设计了控制器。仿真结果表明,控制系统在保证水平方向位置精度和姿态角转动精度的基础上,实现了机器人末端在竖直运动方向上对不同弹性地面承载特性的模拟。 Gait training robot is a kind of robot that could help people to simulate their walking on different road conditions. Directed against the requirements of robot simulating the load bearing characteristics of different elastic ground surfaces, the compliant control was introduced in the direction of vertical movement of the extremity end of robot, the position control was introduced in the direction of horizontal motion and of gesture motion, and the model of control system was established. Under the environment of MATLAB, the system model was constructed and the controller was designed. The result of simulation showed that on the basis of the control system could ensure the position accuracy of the horizontal direction and the turning accuracy of gesture angle, the simulation was achieved on the load bearing characteristics of different elastic ground surface in the direction of vertical motion of robot terminal end.
出处 《机械设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第8期38-40,75,共4页 Journal of Machine Design
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60575053) 国家博士点基金资助项目(20060217024)
关键词 步态训练机器人 弹性地面 柔顺控制 承载特性 仿真 gait training robot elastic ground surface compliance control load bearing characteristics simulation
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