
极低频发射天线场地等效电阻率的计算 被引量:4

A Calculating Method of the Effective Resistivity for the Extremely Low Frequency(ELF) Transmitting Antenna Site
摘要 通过对均匀半空间有限长导线源辐射场强的理论分析,表明极低频发射天线场地等效电阻率主要由天线两端接地点的位置决定。文章对MT法测量的视电阻率数据的处理和天线等效电阻率计算方法上提出了几点看法,以供参考。 The theory analysis of the radiation fields from a finite length line source in a homogeneous half space, it in dicates that the effective resistivity of the ELF antenna site is mostly decided by the two groundings of antenna. A few ideas in dealing with MT (Magnetotelluric Sounding) apparent resistivity data and a calculating method of the effective resistivity are described in paper which may be helpful for reference.
机构地区 中国舰船研究院
出处 《舰船电子工程》 2009年第8期192-195,共4页 Ship Electronic Engineering
关键词 极低频 发射天线 等效电阻率 ELF, transmitting antenna, effective resistivity
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