Majority of crude oils discovered from the Jurassic coal bearing basins in the Northwest China is generally mature, low density, middle wax, low chill point and low sulfur content. Saturated hydrocarbon is about 70% 90%, and is dominated by normal hydrocarbon below C 21 in their chemical composition. Carbon isotope ratios of these crude oils range from -29‰ to -24‰. Most of these crude oils are normal mature, a few of them are low mature, and none is immature. The content of heavy hydrocarbon above C 2 is higher and in an average up to 20% in natural gases discovered in the area. The ratios of methane carbon isotope ( δ 13 C 1) of these natural gases are distributed from -45‰ to -35‰. Most of them are much more similar to the oil type natural gas at the liquid window stage. Biomarkers of saturated hydrocarbon in coal bearing organic matter and crude oils show abundant pristane in isoprenoid alkanes, that is, higher Pr/Ph ratios, high content of bicyclic sesquiterpanes, low tricyclic terpanes (cheilanthanes), few tricyclic diterpanes, abundant hopanes (above 80% of terpanes),a higher content of Ts,C 29 Ts,17 α (H)C 30- diahopane and gammacerane in the oils and mudstones while a low content of them in coals and carbonaceous shales, low concentration of steranes dominated by C 29 steranes (40% 80%), higher content of diasteranes contrasted with regular steranes and also dominated by C 29 diasteranes. Generally, the distribution of biomarkers in the crude oils is similar to that in mudstones and oil shales, but differs from that in coals and carbonaceous shales. Thus, the mudstones and oil shales are main oil source rocks, while coal and carbonaceous shale are secondary oil source rocks in these coal bearing basins. This is a common conclusion for the Jurassic coal bearing basins in the Northwest China.
Petroleum Exploration and Development
Xibei area, Jurassic period, Coal measures, Crude oil, Natural gas, Source rock evaluation, Geochemical characteristic, Biological marker, Oil source correlation