From the budding for the rule of virtue in the early Zhou Dynasty to the establishment of the rule of virtue" mode of the ethical tradition of the Han Dynasty in China, during the period there are many rule theories such as Guan Zhong's law - based theory of combination of moral and law, Kong Zi's theory of rule by virtue, Xunzi's theory of equal emphasis on etiquette and law. However, based on criticism of the practice "the rule of law" of the Qin Dynasty, the rule model of the Han Dynasty, under the background of "deposed 100, Confucianism only", developed into the pure ethics of "rule by virtue. " Accordingly, its "governance ethics" paradigm culturing moral quality for the subject of "rule by virtue, has the one - sided feature. The cycle Practice from prosperity to decline for" rule of virtue" since the Han Dynasty to the Qing dynasty, has proved that : the "rule by virtue" under the premise of ethics - based "governance ethics" has gone into a "rule by virtue" paradox. To resolve the "rule by virtue" paradox, achieve long -term stability of the country, we should comprehensively understand absorb various rule theories of the pre- Qin period and the "governance ethics" paradigm, and promote the "governance ethics" institutionalized.
Journal of Sichuan Administration Institute
rule by virtue, governance ethics, ethics, institution