Objective To explore the serum cystatin C (Cys C) in elderly patients with type 2 diabetic diagnosis of elderly renal dysfunction in value. Methods 45 cases of the average age of β2-year-old patients with type 2 diabetic,using latex enthods immunoturtric assay of serum cystatin C,while serum creatinine (Scr),blood ureanitrogen(Bun),urine crea- tinine (Ucr),β2-microglobulin (β2-MG),estininie clearance rat (Ccr),compared two group of patients with Bun,Scr,Ccr, Cys C,β2-MG,were positive rate of the testresuts. Results The two groups of patients with Bun,Scr,Ccr,Cys C,β2-Mg significant difference (P〈0.01),in the diabetic group,the positive reat of Cys C method for 55.5%,Ccr method positive reat of 86.7%,β2-Mg method for 60%(P〈0.001),Cys C method and β2-Mg positive reat close. Cys C and Scr,Ccr,β2-MG analysis of the relevance of statistical significance. Conclusion Cys C to elderly detection of diabtic nephropathy in patients with renal function changes in early diagnosis of its significance,is a valuable indicator.
Chinese Journal of Geriatric Care