车辆室内噪声是汽车NVH的主要内容。介绍了使用full window法来评价整车内饰件中相关材料的隔吸音性能的方法,利用倍频图和Front/back图对测试所得数据进行分析,确定车辆内饰相关部分对于整车噪声的贡献量;以及通过修改相关内饰件的设计和组合来改进车内噪声,同时也为汽车制造商内饰件的开发提供方便。
The interior noise is one of key performances of vehicle NVH. The aid of this passage is to tell the reader how to evaluate the separating and absorbing performance of the total vehicle interior decorations by using "full window" method. With this method using the octave map and front/back map to analyze the dates can find the contribution of the interior decorations to the interior noise. Using this method can improve the interior noise by modifying the interior decorations design. At the same time it' s convenient to the carmaker' s vehicle interior decorations develop.
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