
选择、自我表达与选择扩散效应 被引量:6

Choice,Self-Expression and the Spreading Alternatives Effect
摘要 自我表达会影响西方人的态度,产生选择扩散效应。国外相关的跨文化研究发现东方人不存在该效应。通过4个实验研究中国文化下自我表达对选择态度的影响,发现选择方式(主动、被动)和自我表达形式(直接、间接)对选择态度产生影响。无论是自己的主动选择还是强加的被动选择,直接的自我表达会增加对所获对象的喜爱程度,表现为对获得性的肯定。研究者认为,两种选择方式下不同的心理加工过程导致了这种获得性:直接表达使个人态度暴露在外,进行主动选择时要对他人的给予做出肯定回应;而进行被动选择时,人们要减缓因利益受损可能导致的失调,同时中国文化下的面子策略也使人们增加对所获对象的喜爱程度。不过,间接的自我表达对选择态度的影响不明显。研究者认为,多个影响因素的相互消长使选择态度得以维持。 Self-expression is defined as expressions of one's thoughts and feelings, which can be accomplished through words, choice, or actions. Utilizing both free-choice paradigm (active) and forced choice condition (passive), self-expression could result in the spreading alternatives effect for European Americans. That is to say, after making a choice between two objects, people tend to increase the degree of liking for the chosen object, and decrease the degree for the rejected object. Whereas the effect of self-expression is shared in the Occident, it is not privileged with such a cultural emphasis in East Asia. Using two choice paradigms (free-choice and forced choice) and two expressive paradigms (direct and indirect expression), four studies demonstrated the spreading alternatives effect in Chinese participants. Utilizing a free-choice paradigm, study la examined preference judgments; study lb compared the preference judgments between expressive choice and non-expressive choice. Similarly, study 2a and 2b examined and compared preference choices in the forced choice condition. Results showed that, choice style (active or passive) and expression style (indirect or direct) influenced preference judgments. Direct expression increased the degree of liking for the obtained object, while indirect expression did not. One possible explanation could be that direct expression strengthened the motive of expression when people made active choices and then increased the degree of liking for the obtained object, through which people repaired the aversive feeling of cognitive dissonance when given a forced choice after losing the object they chose before. However, indirect expression counterpoised the factors which impacted preference for the obtained object. Thus, people maintained their degree of liking for the obtained object and didn't experience the affirmation of ownership.
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第8期753-762,共10页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
基金 西南大学国家重点学科基础心理学基金重点项目(NSKD08004)资助
关键词 选择 自我表达 选择扩散效应 获得性 choice self-expression spreading alternatives effect ownership
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