
社会性别、贫困与全球化 被引量:3

Gender,Poverty and Globalization
摘要 针对近年来全球经济快速发展与女性相对贫困的状况,本文从女性主义经典理论出发,阐述了女性贫困问题的相关研究和理论发展。认为在当今全球化背景下,只有把社会性别视角和全球化视角结合起来,才能更好地理解经济发展带给男性和女性的不同结果,进而发现导致女性贫困的真正原因。 With the rapid development of global economy, women become poorer than men all of the world. This essay tries to analyze this problem from classical feminist theories. It argues that gender processes and ideologies are embedded in globalizing capitalism. We should put these two theories together, so we can understand more about the different results that the global economy development brings to the two different genders, thus get the real causes that lead to women' s poverty.
作者 夏雪
出处 《北京科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第2期1-5,共5页 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 社会性别 贫困 女性主义 全球化 gender poverty Feminism globalization
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