
我国农产品物流与供应链管理存在的问题与对策研究 被引量:3

China's Agricultural Products Logistics and Supply Chain Management Problems and Countermeasures
摘要 经过30多年的改革发展,我国农产品物流体系逐步完善,涌现出多种农产品物流主体,交易方式向现代化方向发展,农产品的多重循环格局已初步形成。但也必须清楚的认识到我国农产品物流无论在理论上还是在实践上仍处于起步阶段,在农产品的市场建设、物流主体的培育等方面仍然存在许多不容忽视的问题。为此,文中提出了一些有针对性的发展策略,诸如:要改变观念,加强合作,改善供应链基础设施,提高物流基础水平,建立高效的网络信息平台等。 After more than 30 years of reform and development, China's agricultural product logistics system gradually improved the logistics of the main agricultural products have emerged in a variety of trading methods to modern direction, multi-cycle pattern of agricultural products has taken shape. But it must also be a clear understanding of the logistics of China's agricultural products both in theory and in practice, still in its infancy, in the agricultural products market construction, logistics, training and other aspects of the subject there are still many problems can not be ignored. To this end, this paper proposes a number of targeted development strategy, such as: To change attitudes, strengthen cooperation and improve supply chain infrastructure and improve the logistics infrastructure, establish a highly efficient network information platform.
作者 刘培松
出处 《物流工程与管理》 2009年第8期91-92,98,共3页 Logistics Engineering and Management
关键词 农产品物流 供应链管理 发展策略 agricultural logistics supply chain management Development Strategy
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