诸多的理论与实践表明,PBL(Problem-based Learning,问题导向教学方法)是一种富有成效的教学方法,但它在工商管理类学科教学中还存在诸多问题。文中通过笔者所在院系进行的PBL教学实践,针对教学目标、教学主体等出现的"瓶颈"问题进行了深入思考并提供了解决思路。
Many theories and practices have proved that Problem-based Learning (PBL) is an effective method. But there are still some problems in the Industrial and Commercial Management teaching practice. With the practice of PBL teaching in the author's college, some problems are put forward and analyzed deeply from different angle. And ways of how to solve these problems are discussed, too.
Logistics Engineering and Management