对松纵坑切梢小蠹生物学特性、发生与为害同生态因子的关系和综合防治措施进行了系统研究,结果表明:松纵坑切梢小蠹在辽阳地区1 a1代,为害长达240 d以上。20 a生以下中幼林的被害指数几乎是35 a生以上林龄的2倍;混交林的被害指数是油松纯林的2.7倍;郁闭度0.5以下林分的被害指数是0.7以上的2.5倍;南坡、林缘的被害指数分别是北坡、林内的2.4倍和2.8倍,中上层(第四轮枝层以上)被害较重;树冠南部稍被害重于北部。采取营林措施、林间饵木诱杀、聚集信息素诱杀、根部喷施200倍绿色威雷和1.5%对硫磷粉剂、磷化铝12 g.m-3饵木熏蒸等防治措施,防治效果良好。
A systematical study was conducted on biological characteristics of Tomicus piniperda and the relationship between the occurrence and ecological factors as well as comprehensive control measures. The results show that Tomlcus piniperda has one generation per year in Liaoyang region, Liaoning Province, China, and damage period lasts more than 240 days. Infestation index of young - middle aged forest at age less than 20 years was almost 2 times that of 35 - year- old forest, while the infestation index of the mixed forest was 2.7 times that of the pure forest of Pinus tabuliformis. Infestation index of forest with a crown density below 0.5 was 2.5 times more than that of the forest with a crown density of over 0.7. Infestation indices of stand on the southern slope and forest edge were 2.4 times and 2. 8 times more than that of stand on northern slope and within forest, respectively. Heavy damage was observed in the middle and upper layers of a tree. Much heavier infestation was found in southern part of the crown, compared to northern part of crown. Control experiment indicates that silviculture measure, trap tree, and the aggregation pheromone all have good control result for T. piniperda. Spraying 200 folds of cypermethrin and 1.5 % methyl - parathion mixed powders on root part of tree achieved 95 % mortality of T. piniperda, while fumigating trap tree with aluminium phosphide at 12 g-m-3killed 100% of the insects.
Journal of Jilin Forestry Science and Technology
Tomicus piniperda
ecological conditions
control technique