

On security multicast key management
摘要 组播密钥管理通过为组播成员生成、发送和更新组密钥来满足加密认证等安全需求.组播密钥管理方案的设计,除满足基本的安全需求外,还要兼顾可扩展性、健壮性、可靠性等多方面因素.分析了组播密钥管理所面临的问题,通过对已有组播密钥树方案的介绍,探讨和总结了组播密钥管理的研究现状. As muhicast communication is used extensively, its security muhicast key management becomes a problem. It is used for group members in one muhicast session to generate, refresh and transfer the keys for encryption and authentication. So the maintenance, scalability, reliability and robustness of keys should be carefully considered. This paper studies the existing problems in key management for multicast, and certain typical schemes.
出处 《石家庄职业技术学院学报》 2009年第4期33-35,共3页 Journal of Shijiazhuang College of Applied Technology
关键词 IP组播 密钥 管理 IP muhicast key management
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