
当代国家治理模式的变革及其启示——对福利国家、发展型国家和转型国家当代发展的考察 被引量:3

Transformation of the Model of State Governance since the 1980s and its Implication
摘要 20世纪80年代以来,全球化和新自由主义的兴起对国际政治经济环境产生了深远的影响,引发了有关国家和政府能力的激烈讨论。从发达资本主义国家福利改革、东亚政府主导型经济的衰退到苏东地区社会主义制度的垮台,全球范围内的国家治理模式发生了广泛而深刻的变革,国家解决国内问题的能力受到限制,国家和社会关系的平衡向着有利于市场和私有权力的方向转变。然而这些变迁也表明,并不是所有的制度都趋向"正统"的自由市场经济模式,相反,制度变迁表现出多元化的特征,与此同时,全球化也为国家和政府能力的增长提供了新的空间,战后以来的国家治理模式正在经历新的调整和重组。 Since the 1980s the international political and economic situation has undergone profound changes under the impact of globalization and new lilberalism.While the inter-dependence among states has been increased deeply, the model of state governance that was established on the basis of post-war political and economic arrangement was also reshaped profoundly.From the developed countries to the developing countries, from the east to the west, the balance of power between state and society was broken in the direction of favoring the market and private power, and the autonomy of the national state was also confined by the global interaction.However, these changes don't mean that there is a convergence between different political and economic system, on the country, the process of transformation is characterized by a diversity both in the path and the result of the reforms.More importantly, these changes show that globalization has the effects of augmenting the capicaties of the state instead of the decline of the nation state.
作者 李姿姿
出处 《甘肃行政学院学报》 2009年第4期62-68,共7页 Journal of Gansu Administration Institute
关键词 国家能力 福利国家 发展型国家 转型国家 State Governance Welfare State Developmental State Transitional State
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