The concept of 'Circum-Pacific Great Gold Belt' was advanced in 1979 by Soviet geologist M. I. Itsikson in his book Metallogenic Zoning of the Pacific Region. In the past ten years, much geologic and ore prospecting work has been done for gold deposits of the Pacific region, and the author holds that this theory is of some directive significance in prospecting for gold deposits of that region. Based on the data available, this paper deals tentatively with the three blank sections left by Itsikson in his great gold belt, and expounds and proves the probable continuity of this belt. The basic characteristics of this great gold belt are shown in six aspects: (1) continuity and ompleteness; (2) multi-layered concentric ring structure; (3) transference of metallogenic epoch and ore-forming intensity towards the ocean; (4) equi-distance of metallogeneses; (5) control of gold-concentrated areas by deep fault networks; (6) obvious symmetry, which seems to be the major feature of this gold belt. The author puts forwad some amendments on unsymmetry of the Circum-Pacific metallogenic belt and the great gold belt which was repeatedly emphasized by Itsikson, and considers that the unsymmetry seems likely a reflection of insufficient work and is also the important prognostic target and the breach in further investigation.
Mineral Deposits