
精神障碍伴发癫痫的立体定向手术治疗(附11例临床分析) 被引量:2

The stereotactic surgery for the psychonosema accompany with epilepsy
摘要 目的探讨应用立体定向技术治疗精神障碍伴发癫痫,是否能在控制患者精神症状的同时,抑制癫痫发作。方法对2008年6月至11月期间共11例精神障碍伴发癫痫患者行立体定向手术治疗,术中均在对双侧扣带回+胼胝体射频毁损的同时,根据术前脑电图表现针对患侧杏仁核、海马进行射频毁损,术后均继续服用抗癫痫药物。结果本组11例,均无手术并发症,随访6~10个月,结果满意者6例(精神症状明显缓解,未再次癫痫发作),显著改善者3例(精神症状明显缓解,偶尔有癫痫发作),效果不理想者2例(精神症状有所缓解,但癫痫发作同术前)。结论通过在应用立体定向技术治疗精神障碍伴发癫痫的过程中,发现其在缓解患者精神症状的同时,又能抑制癫痫发作,并且具有创伤小、定位准确、手术安全、疗效确切等优点。 Objective To investigate the application of the stereotactic technology for the psychonosema accompany with epilepsy,whether it could control the psychiatric symptom meanwhile inhibit seizure disorder. Methods 11 patients(from 2008-6 to 2008-11) with the psychonosema accompany with epilepsy performed stereotactic surgery. To damage bilateral cingulated gyrus and corpus callosum with radio frequency, meanwhile damage Amygdala and cornu Ammonis in the affected side according to EEG before operation. After operation all patients continued to use antiepileptics. Results No surgical complication in all 11 cases who were followed up from 6 to 10 months. 6 of 11 were satisfied(psychiatric symptom obviously released,no seizure disorder again), 3 were signficiant improved(psychiatric symptom obviously released, seizure disorder now and then), 2 were not satisfied(psychiatric symptom released to some extent, seizure disorder similar to preoperation). Conclusion Through the application of the stereotactic technology for the psychonoserna accompany with epilepsy, we found it could release psychiatric symptom meanwhile inhibit seizure disorder, and also has the advantages of micro-wound, location exactly, operation safely, therapy certainly, etc.
出处 《立体定向和功能性神经外科杂志》 2009年第4期210-213,共4页 Chinese Journal of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
关键词 精神障碍伴发癫痫 立体定向手术 射频毁损 Psychonosema accompany with epilepsy Stereotactic surgery Radio frequency damage
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