目的评价11C-METPET/CT脑显像对判断脑胶质瘤复发的临床应用价值。方法28例脑胶质瘤手术切除后患者,临床怀疑复发行11C-METPET/CT显像,其中24例同期行FDG PET/CT检查,19例行头颅增强MRI检查,最后诊断根据病理检查和临床随访结果确定。结果28例患者中11C-METPET/CT显像阳性20例,其中1例假阳性;阴性8例,其中假阴性1例,11C-METPET/CT显像的敏感性、特异性和准确率分别为95%、87.5%、92.9%,FDG PET/CT分别为88.9%、50%、79.2%,增强MRI的敏感性、特异性和准确率分别为70%、42.9%、54.9%。结论评价脑胶质瘤复发,11C-METPET/CT较FDGPET/CT和增强MRI有更高的准确性和临床应用价值。
Objective To evaluate ^11C-MET-position emission tomography CT(^11C-MET PETCT) in the detection of suspicious recurrence in cerebral glioma,as compared with ^18F-FDG- PET/CT imaging and MRI imaging. Methods Twenty-eight patients with clinically suspicious recurrences in cerebral glioma after operating underwent ^11C-MET PETCT, with 24 checked with ^18F-FDGPET/CT ,with 19 checked with MRI imaging. The final diagnosis of recurrence were proved by pathology or clinical following up. Results ^11C-MET PETCT detected recurrence successfully in 20 of 28 patients with 1 false positives and 1 false negatives. The ^11C-MET PETCT sensitivity, specificity and accuracy in defining local recurrence were 95% ,87.5% ,92.9%, respectively;and those of ^18F-FDGPET/CT were 88. 9%,50%,79.2%. MRI were70%,42. 9% ,54.9%, respectively. Conclusion In comparison with ^11C-MET PETCT, ^18F-FDGPET/CT MR/ possesses a higher accuracy in detecting recurrence in cerebral glioma.
Chinese Journal of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery