
米非司酮对小鼠着床期子宫内膜活化的β-连环蛋白(active β-catenin)表达的影响 被引量:1

Effect of Mifepristone on the Expression of Active β-Catenin in Endometrium during the Peri-implantation Period in Mouse
摘要 目的:探讨活化的β-连环蛋白(active β-catenin)在胚胎着床过程中的作用。方法:将孕第2日(d2)昆明小鼠随机分成3组,每组30只,A组:孕d2单次背部皮下注射0.1ml米非司酮(1.2mg/ml);B组(溶剂对照):以等量1,3-丙二醇代替米非司酮;C组:不作任何处理。用免疫组织化学、间接免疫荧光、Western blotting方法定性、定量、定位检测3组小鼠在妊娠d3 ̄7活化的β-连环蛋白的动态表达。结果:B、C组小鼠子宫内膜中活化的β-连环蛋白于孕d3在腺上皮和腔上皮、基质细胞质和细胞膜表达;妊娠d4在腔上皮细胞质和细胞膜强表达,并达高峰;妊娠d5 ̄7在腺上皮、血管内皮、腔上皮下基质细胞膜和细胞质表达,且B、C组间在妊娠d3 ̄7各时间点的表达无显著性差异(P>0.05);A组小鼠妊娠d3 ̄7活化的β-连环蛋白的表达较B、C组显著降低(P<0.01),在妊娠d4表达量未见高峰,且表达部位局限于基质细胞,腔上皮无表达。结论:米非司酮可能通过抑制孕激素与其受体结合而下调活化的β-连环蛋白表达,进而抑制子宫内膜黏附性,影响子宫内膜容受性的建立而阻碍胚胎顺利着床。 Objective:To explore the effect of mifepristone in the embryo implantation of pregnant mice.Methods:Kunming mice on pregnant day 2 were randomly divided into 3 groups with 30 in each group:mifepristone group(group A)was administered with 0.1 ml mifepristone(1.2 mg/ml)by hyodermic on backside;propylene glycol control group(group B)was administered 1,3 propylene glyccol instead of mifepristone with same dose;blank control group(group C)with no treatment.Expression of active β-catenin protein in endometrium of pregnant mice was detect from day 3 to day 7 of pregnancy by immunohistochemistry,Western blotting and immunofluorescence.Results:The expression of active β-catenin protein was significantly increased and reached its peak on pregnant day 4 in group B and group C,but there was no difference in the expression of active β-catenin between the two groups(P0.05).The levels of active β-catenin protein in group A were significantly lower than those in groups B and C(P0.01),and there was no peak expression on pregnant day 4.Conclusion:Mifepristone probably down-regulated the expression of β-catenin through inhibiting progestogen combined with its receptor,furthermore inhibited the adhesion of endometrium and influenced the establishment of endometrial receptivity,so as to obstruct the embryo implantation.
出处 《生殖与避孕》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第8期489-493,507,共6页 Reproduction and Contraception
基金 重庆市自然科学基金重点项目,项目号:渝科发计字[2004]47号
关键词 米非司酮 活化的β-连环蛋白(active β-catenin) 子宫内膜 胚胎着床 小鼠 mifepristone endometrium implantation active β-catenin mouse
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