
2008年1月中国南方地区罕见低温冰雪天气的气候特征及其成因 被引量:9

The climatic characteristics and its causes of the seldom low temperature snow and ice weather in the south area of China in January 2008
摘要 利用1951~2008年1月的中国160站气温降水资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了2008年1月中国南方地区罕见低温冰雪天气的气候特征及其成因,结果表明:①中国南方地区持续的低温和降水叠加是形成罕见低温冰雪灾害的直接原因;②2008年1月亚洲地区大气环流异常,出现了4个较异常的环流.乌拉尔山地区阻塞高压环流异常偏强,导致冷空气活动频繁、气流南北交换较强;东亚槽异常偏强,利于强冷空气南下;西太平洋副热带高压异常偏北,对冷空气滞留在中国南方地区和持续水汽输送起重要作用;高原南侧的南支槽异常偏强,这是持续水汽输送的必要条件;③导致中国南方地区罕见低温冰雪天气的主要原因是大气异常环流的异常配置.乌山阻塞经向环流较大,但东亚槽的位置偏北偏东,在加强气流东西交换的同时削弱了冷空气南下的速度;副高较强,一方面阻挡了强冷气团的快速南下,另一方面加强了副高西侧偏南气流的水汽输送;高原南侧的南支槽的强弱对水汽的输送起决定性作用. Using January 160 stations monthly temperature and precipitation data of China and January NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data from 1951 to 2008, the climatic characteristics and its causes of the seldom low temperature snow and ice weather in the south area of China in January 2008 were researched. The results indicated that : ①The direct causes of this seldom low temperature snow and ice disaster in the south area of China were the simultaneous influences of duratively tow temperature and precipitation ;②The atmospheric circulation anoma- ly in Asia took place in January 2008. There were four relatively abnormal atmospheric circulations in Asia. Be- cause the Ural blocking high circulation was abnormally stronger than its normal, the cold air activity was morefrequent and the meridional airflow exchange was abnormally stronger than normal. It is useful for the southward motion of stronger cold air that the East Asia trough was abnormally strong. It is very important for the cold air stationary and durative moisture transportation in the south area of China that the west Pacific subtropical high was abnormally northward. It is necessary condition of durative moisture transportation that the plateau trough was abnormally strong;③The main cause of inducing this seldom low temperature snow and ice weather in the south area of China was the abnormal position of abnormal atmospheric circulation. The meridional circulation of Ural blocking high was relatively bigger and the position of the East Asia trough was relatively northward and eastward so that the zonal airflow exchange was enhanced and the southward shift speed of cold air was simultaneously weakened. On the one hand, the relatively stronger subtropical high held up the rapidly southward shift of cold air mass. And on the other hand, it also made moisture transportation on the west side of the subtropical high stronger. It has very crucial influence on moisture transportation that plateau trough is stronger or weaker.
作者 段旭 陶云
出处 《云南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期477-483,共7页 Journal of Yunnan University(Natural Sciences Edition)
基金 中国气象局气候变化专项(CCSF-09-4) 中国气象局成都高原气象研究所"西南地区2008年低温 雨雪 冰冻天气灾害研究"课题资助.
关键词 中国南方地区 罕见低温冰雪天气 大气环流异常 the south area of China seldom low temperature snow and ice weather abnormal atmosphericcirculation
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