肾脏是铀中毒的主要靶器官,了解铀化合物中毒对肾脏的损害及其程度,对职业照射人员的医学监护和防护是必要的。本文介绍了急性铀中毒和慢性铀中毒对肾脏的损害:急性铀中毒可导致大鼠肾脏近曲小管细胞凋亡,导致小鼠肾小管上皮细胞呈空泡样病变并出现坏死,形成大量玻璃样管型,坏死区域扩展,输尿管扩张,Bowman’s囊扩张;长期饮用含铀矿泉水的大鼠肾脏细胞内有铁的积聚;急、慢性肾病中肾脏机能障碍与近曲小管细胞溶酶体内铁超负荷有内在联系。讨论给出了职业性接触铀人员尿铀干预水平的建议值,即234U和238U为4.25 mBq/d,235U为0.9 mBq/d。
Kidneys are the main organs affected by uranium toxicity. Workers may be potentially exposed to intakes of uranium in the workplace, in order to monitor their health it is necessary to understand uranium compound induced renal damage. We introduced acute/chronic uranium poisoning induced renal lesion in this paper. Acute uranium poisoning may induce apoptosis in normal rat kidney proximal ceils. Extensive areas of tubule epithelium necrosis, vacuolization lesions and abundant hyaline cylinders were present in kidneys of mice acutely intoxicated with uranium; and widening of the urinifemus tubule and of Bowman's capsule is also observed. Renal function may be damaged by uranium accumulation for a long time in rat kidneys. Chronic exposure to uranium in drinking water leads to iron accumulation in rat kidney cells. However, renal dysfunction is associated with lysosomal iron overload in the cells of proximal tubule in acute/chronic renal disease. We gave the suggestion of urinary uranium intervention levels in professional workers exposed to uranium. They are 4.25 mBq/d for 234U or 238U and 0.9 mBq/d for 235U.
Radiation Protection Bulletin
Uranium poisoning Renal lesion Iron load Urinary uranium levels