An efficient iterative algorithm is presented for the numerical solution of viscous incompressible Navier-Stokes equations based on Taylor-Galerkin like split and pressure correction method in this paper. Taylor-Hood element is introduced to overcome the numerical difficulties arising from the fluid incompressibility. In order to confirm the properties of the algorithm, the numerical simulation on plane Poisseuille flow problem and lid- driven cavity flow problem with different Reynolds numbers is presented. The numerical results indicate that the proposed iterative version can be effectively applied to the simulation of viscous incompressible flows. Moreover, the proposed iterative version has a better overall performance in maximum time step size allowed, under comparable convergence rate, stability and accuracy, than other tested versions in numerical solutions of the plane PoisseuiUe flow with different Reynolds numbers ranging from low to high viscosities.
An effcient iterative algorithm is presented for the numerical solution of viscous incompressible NavierStokes equations based on Taylor-Galerkin like split and pressure correction method in this paper. Taylor-Hood element is introduced to overcome the numerical diffculties arising from the fluid incompressibility. In order to confirm the properties of the algorithm, the numerical simulation on plane Poisseuille flow problem and lid- driven cavity flow problem with different Reynolds numbers is presented. The numerical results indicate that the proposed iterative version can be effectively applied to the simulation of viscous incompressible flows. Moreover, the proposed iterative version has a better overall performance in maximum time step size allowed, under comparable convergence rate, stability and accuracy, than other tested versions in numerical solutions of the plane Poisseuille flow with different Reynolds numbers ranging from low to high viscosities.
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 50778111)
the Key Project of Fund of Science and Technology Development of Shanghai(No. 07JC14023)
the Doctoral Disciplinary Special Research Project of Chinese Ministry of Education(No. 200802480056)