
儒学复兴对家庭与性别观念的影响 被引量:2

The Influence of Confucianism Revival on Family and Gender Concepts
摘要 近几年来,不论是在政府、学术界,还是在民间、市场中,都出现了儒学的蓬勃回归现象。以"当代大陆新儒家"为代表的儒学学术流派和以名媛学堂等为代表的参与儒学复兴的市场行为,无疑都对当代家庭和性别方面的观念有着深刻影响。当下的学术和市场这两种力量,都不约而同地将儒家传统的性别和家庭观念进行神话、本质化,不但缺乏批判意识,而且在当代中国继承并发展着传统中国儒学理想人格——内圣外王的性别分配。当然,在儒学复兴的潮流中,也有相关的制衡力量对上述偏离的倾向进行了矫正。 In recent years Confucianism has revived whether in government and academic circles, or in the folk and in market. So what attitudes do these groups hold towards family and gender? Confucian academic school represented by "Modern Neo Confucianism in the Mainland" and marketing behavior in Confucianism revival represented by "Socialite School" undoubtedly exert great influence on modern family and gender concept. The contemporary academic and marketing power both celestialized and essentialized. They lack critical consciousness and inherit and develop traditional Confucian ideal personality--holy and pure inside and king outside. Of course, in the trend of Confucianism revival, relevant counterweight made corrections towards these deviating tendencies.
作者 白路 王向贤
出处 《中华女子学院山东分院学报》 2009年第5期41-46,共6页
关键词 儒学 儒学复兴 家庭 性别 Confucianism Confucianism Revival family gender
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