
克里斯特瓦的“互文性”理论 被引量:2

Krisiteva's Theory of Intertextuality
摘要 克里斯特瓦在巴赫金理论的基础上提出了"互文性"概念。随着克里斯特瓦思想的发展,"互文性"概念的理论内涵得到了充实和深化。在其论著《诗歌语言革命》中,克里斯特瓦将精神分析理论融入到"互文性"概念之中,将"互文性"视为重构主体意识、反抗社会规约的革命性动力。同时,"互文性"是"文本"概念的属性,是马拉美、洛特雷阿蒙等人创造的"诗性语言"的内在特征。 Krisiteva based her proposition of the notion of "intertextuality" upon Bakhtin' s theory. Intertextuality' s theoretical content has gone through continual expansion and extension alongside the evolution of Krisiteva' s thought. In Revolution in Poetic Languages, Krisiteva incorporated psychoanalysis into "intertextuality", viewing intertextuality as a revolutionary force for both the reconstruction of subject consciousness and the fight against social conventions. To Krisiteva," intertextuality", as an attribute derived from the concept of "text", is inherent in "poetic languages", invented by Mallarme and Lautrramont.
作者 董学文 崔柯
机构地区 北京大学中文系
出处 《湖南文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第4期71-77,共7页 Journal of Hunan University of Arts and Science:Social Science Edition
关键词 互文性 主体 文本 intertextuality subject text
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  • 1JULIA KRISTEVA Interviews, 第 7 页.
  • 2La reolution du langage poetique, Paris :Seuil ,p. 59 -60.
  • 3Ross Mitchell Guberman ed. JULIA KRISTEVA Interviews [ M ]. New York : Columbia University Press, 1996.
  • 4Julia Kristeva. Word, Dialogue and Novel[ M]//Toril Moi ed. The Kristeva Reader. Oxford : Basil Blackwell Ltd, 1986:37.
  • 5Julia Kristeva. The Bounded Text[ M]//Leon S. Roudiez ed. Desire in Language :A Semiotic Approach to Literature and An. New York:Columbia University Press, 1980 : 37.
  • 6秦海鹰.互文性理论的缘起与流变[J].外国文学评论,2004(3):19-30. 被引量:480
  • 7秦海鹰.人与文,话语与文本——克里斯特瓦互文性理论与巴赫金对话理论的联系与区别[M]//申丹,秦海鹰,主编.欧美文学论丛:第3辑.北京:人民文学出版社,2003:2.
  • 8Julia Kristeva, trans. Margaret Waller. Revolution in Poetic Language [ M ]. New York : Columbia University Press, 1984.
  • 9[古希腊]柏拉图.蒂迈欧篇[M].上海:上海人民出版社,2005.29.
  • 10[英]特雷·伊格尔顿.二十世纪西方文学理论[M].伍晓明译.西安:陕西师范大学出版社,1987.


  • 1Julia Kristeva, 《Bakthine, le mot, le dialogue et le roman》,Semeiotike. Recherches pour une semartalyse, Paris, Seuil,1969, p. 146.
  • 2Julia Kristeva, 《Problemes de la structuration du texte》,Theorie d'ensemble, Paris, Seuil, 1968, p. 311.
  • 3Julia Kristeva, 《Le textc clos》, Sem eio tike. Recherches pour une semanalyse, 1969, p. 113.
  • 4Julia Kristeva, 《Une portique ruinre》, prrface a la tra-duction francaise de La poetique de Dostotolevski de Bakhtine[1970], Paris, Seuil, coll. 《Points》, 1998, p. 11.
  • 5Philippe Sollers, preface a la reedition de Theorie d'ensemble, Paris, Seuil, coll. 《Points》, 1980, p. 7.
  • 6Theorie d'ensemble [ 1968 ], Paris, Seuil, coll. 《Points》, 1980, p. 9, p. ll.
  • 7Philippe Sollers, 《Eeriture et r6volution》, Theorie d'ensemble [1968], Paris, Seuil, coll. 《Points》, 1980,p. 77.
  • 8Roland Barthes, Oeuvres completes, tome 2, Paris, Seuil,1994, p. 1000.
  • 9Mare Angenot, 《L'intertextualite : enquete sur l'emergence et la diffusion d'un champ notionnel》, in Revue des Sci-ences humaines, no189, 1983, p. 125,.
  • 10Graham Allen, Intertextuality, London, New York, Rout-ledge, 2000, pp. 95 -97.











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