为解决更换电罗经后AP-8A自动操舵仪的航向参考信号与新安装的NAVIGAT X MK-2型电罗经的接口匹配问题,在实践中设计了一种简单实用的接口改装方法。通过海上8个方位航行试验,航向跟踪迅速,灵敏度高,自动操舵仪工作正常。该思路和方法为解决其他类似昂贵设备老化后的更换改装问题提供了借鉴。
In order to resolve the match problem between the autopilot heading reference signal of AP-8A and the NAVIGAT X MK2 gyrocompass. A method was designed in practice to refit the interface, which is simple and useful. Through sea trial, tried the automatic steering on different headings and performed several major course changes, we found that the autopilot work well when the course was changed or maintained. This design need not to replace AP-8A autopilot and it is more economical. This design can be generalized.
Fishery Modernization