

Energy-saving Methods for Residual Heat Furnaces of 3.0Mt/a RFCC Unit
摘要 兰州石化公司炼油厂3.0Mt/a重油催化裂化装置的两台余热锅炉在运行中存在烟气侧运行阻力大、排烟温度高、省煤器给水入口温度低、存在尾燃等问题。采用翅片管结构省煤器、提高助燃空气温度、改造燃烧器、布置正压防爆固定旋转式蒸汽吹灰器对余热锅炉进行节能技术改造。改造后,两台锅炉炉膛压力分别由改造前的2.8kPa和2.7kPa降到1.9kPa和1.8kPa,余热锅炉烟气侧阻力降低;锅炉排烟温度由300℃降到205℃,烟气热量利用率和锅炉热效率得到提高;增设给水预热器后,省煤器给水温度及出水温度分别提高到150℃和240℃,外取热器及油浆蒸汽发生器多产蒸汽10t/h,两台锅炉总产汽量增加了60t/h,产生效益1908.42万元。 Two residual heat furnaces of PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Company's 3.0Mt/a RFCC unit had a series of problems during operatiun such as large uperalional resistance al the flue gas side,high flue gas temperature,low temperature at the water inlet of the fuel economizer and end burning.Technicians at the company cundueted a technical upgrade on the two devices by iutroducing a fin-tube fuel economizer,raising the temperature of combustion air,revamping the burner and installing a positive-pressure explosion-proof fixed-type rotary steam soot blower.After the upgrade,the furnace chamber pressures of the two furnaces dropped to 1.9kPa and 1.8kPa from 2.8kPa and 2.7kPa respectively,the resistance at the flue gas side dropped.The temperature of fuel gas from the furnaces dropped to 205℃ from 300℃ and the utilization rate of heat in flue gas and the heal effieiencies of the furnaces inereased.With the addition of a water preheater,the temperatures at the water inlet and outlet of the fuel economizer rose to 150℃ and 240℃ respectively.Output of steam from the external heal collector and the slurry oil steam generator increased by 10t/h and the combined output of steam from the two furnaces increased by 60t/h.Eeonomie benefits from the above methods totaled 19.0842 million yuan.
出处 《中外能源》 CAS 2009年第9期95-98,共4页 Sino-Global Energy
关键词 催化裂化装置 余热锅炉 排烟温度 省煤器 技术改造 FCC unit residual heat furnace flue gas temperature fuel eennomizer technical upgrade
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