随着两次俄乌"天然气危机"让欧洲人饱尝天寒地冻之苦以及金融危机使俄罗斯实力受损,欧盟开始加快纳布科(Nabucco)天然气管道项目的实施进程。奥地利、匈牙利、罗马尼亚、保加利亚政府与土耳其政府就共同建设该管道签署政府间协议,意味着欧盟在摆脱对俄罗斯天然气依赖的道路上迈出了重要一步,标志着欧盟同俄罗斯在能源领域已经开始正面交锋。欧盟支持以纳布科天然气管道为主的"南部能源走廊"建设,还在于希望它成为欧盟与中亚等地区间商品、投资、信息与人员双向交流的一条动脉。针对纳布科天然气管道方案,俄罗斯采取多种手段加以应对:加快"南溪"(South Stream)天然气管道建设;加强与土耳其的能源合作力度,努力减少土耳其对纳布科管道的参与热情;加强对中亚国家能源生产和运输的控制,力图使纳布科管道成为无米之炊。纳布科管道从构想走向现实,将在一定程度上改变欧亚地区的能源供需格局,进一步凸显能源过境运输问题的重要性与敏感性。
As the European suffered from the big breeze due to two times of Russia-Ukraine 'Gas Crises' and the economic strength of Russia was damaged by the financial crisis,European Union(EU) expedited the implementation progress of Nabucco Pipeline.The governments of Austria,Hungary,Rumania and Bulgaria signed an agreement with the Turkey government for jointly constructing Nabucco Pipeline.This means EU has taken an important step for disengaging from gas dependence on Russia and kicked off a head-on fight against Russia in energy field.The purpose of EU supporting the construction of a Nabucco Pipeline-based 'Energy Corridor in South' lies in that EU hopes the so called corridor serve as a main channel for bidirectional exchange of commodities,investment,information and personnel between EU and other regions including Central Asia.Russia has taken a great of measures to cope with the Nabucco gas pipeline scheme,for example,expediting the construction of South Stream gas pipeline,strengthening the energy cooperation with Turkey,making great efforts to wane Turkey's interest for participating in Nabucco Pipeline project and enhancing the control over the energy production and transportation in Central Asian countries in order to preventing the construction of Nabucco Pipeline.With Nabucco Pipeline stepping into practice from concept,the energy supply-demand pattern in Eurasia shall be changed to certain extent and the importance and sensitivity of issues about energy transit transport shall be further highlighted.
International Petroleum Economics