
死后不同时间大鼠肌肉的扫描电镜观察 被引量:4

Observations on Rat's Muscle at Various Postmortem Intervals by Scanning Electron Microscopoy
摘要 为揭示尸僵过程中肌肉的形态变化,用扫描电镜对死后不同时间取材的40只大鼠肌肉进行了观察,并同时作磷钨酸苏木素染色。光镜观察结果显示,大鼠肌纤维横纹在死后4小时内模糊,6~24小时反而清晰。扫描电镜结果显示,尸僵形成过程中确实发生了肌肉收缩,因为Z线间距变短,I带变窄。尸僵形成的基本生化过程与肌肉收缩是一致的,不同的是前者发生在死后,后者发生在生前。 The aim of this study was to observe the morphological changes of muscle in the process of rigor mortis. The quadriceps of 40 rats at various postmortem intervals were observed under the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the light microscope by phosphtungstic acidhaematoxylin staining. The results showed that the striations of muscle were blurred within 4 hours, but they became apparent from 6 hours to 24 hours after death. The authors suggest that this phenomenon be associated with the increased resistance of muscle against the postmortal changes. The observations by scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy have revealed that the muscles do contract in the process of rigor mortis because the distance between two Z lines shortens and the Ⅰ band narrows, compared with those in anaesthetised animals. The basic biochemical process for the formation of rigor mortis is the same as that of muscle contraction except that the former happens postmortem and the latter antemortem.
出处 《华西医科大学学报》 CSCD 1998年第3期323-325,共3页 Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences
关键词 尸僵 肌肉收缩 扫描电镜 大鼠 Rigor mortis Muscle contraction Scanning electron microscopy
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