SSL VPN是复杂度很高的软件,测试需求也很复杂,目前业界还没有出现针对SSL VPN的专业测试工具,现有的自动化测试工具不能满足SSL VPN特有的测试需求。分析SSL VPN主要功能的测试需求,提出基于SSL VPN功能测试和性能测试于一体的跨平台自动化测试工具——SVTEST的设计和实现方案。
The SSL VPN is a complex software and the requirement for software testing are very complicated. There are not professional testing tools for the SSL VPN at present. The existing automated testing tools cannot meet the test of the specific needs of the SSL VPN. Here the main function and the test requirements of the SSL VPN are ana- lyzed and the design of SVTEST is put forward which is a crcxss-platform automated testing tool integrated with the function testing and performance testing based on SSL VPN.
Journal of Chengdu University of Information Technology