

Synthesis and Characterization of Nd:Y_2O_3 Nano ceramic Powder through Total Precipitation Method
摘要 以硝酸钇和硝酸钕为起始原料,分别以碳酸氢铵、尿素和草酸铵为沉淀剂,采用反滴的方式,通过控制滴定速度和pH值等条件,沉淀法制得前驱体粉料。前驱体经去离子水洗-无水已醇洗涤-去离子水洗可提高Y2O3粉体活洗。研究结果表明:选用不同沉淀剂,煅烧所得Y2O3粉末都跟标准的Y2O3粉末的XRD图谱吻合,只是由于结晶度的不同而表现出峰值强度的不同。不同沉淀剂对煅烧后所得Y2O3粉末的形貌影响显著。碳酸氢铵、草酸铵作为沉淀剂所得粉体的团聚现象较严重,颗粒之间产生部分烧结颈。所得粉体为片层状。尿素溶液作为沉淀剂时,粉体分散较好,但粒度分布很宽,有大颗粒存在,所得粉体接近球形。 Precursor was synthesized by dropping precipipant, ammonium bicarbonate, urea or ammo- nium oxalate, into neodymium nitrate and yttrium nitrate mixed solution with adjustment of PH value during the reaction process. The precipitate was washed by distilled water, ethanol, and then distilled water to enhance the sintering activity of the powder. The experimental results indicated that. Y2 03 powders obtained by precipitation and micro--emulsion methods are pure cubic Y2 03 phase. The morphology of the powder synthesized by precipitation method is affected by the precipitant. In the case that ammonium bicarbonate or ammonium oxalate was used as precipitant, the product powder is flake structure with seriously aggregation. When urea was used as preeipitant, the product powder was near-spherical, well dispersed and in large size--distribution.
出处 《山东陶瓷》 CAS 2009年第4期7-10,共4页 Shandong Ceramics
关键词 透明陶瓷 纳米粉Y2O3 沉淀法 Transparent Ceramics Nano--Y2O3 Totdl Precipitation Method
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