
芦丁脂肪酸酯对Fe^(2+)诱导的卵磷脂氧化的抑制作用(英文) 被引量:2

Inhibitory Effects of Three New Rutin Esters on Oxidative Modification of Lecithin Induced by Fe^(2+)
摘要 通过酯化反应将一定长度的烃基链引入黄酮糖苷分子中可以提高糖苷的抗氧化活性。本文以反映脂质氧化修饰程度的硫代巴比妥酸反应物质(TBARS)的含量为监测指标,用可见光分光光度计比色法对比研究了三种新合成的芦丁脂肪酸酯——芦丁硬脂酸酯、芦丁月桂酸酯、芦丁正己酸酯及芦丁对Fe2+介导的卵磷脂氧化修饰的影响。结果表明三种芦丁脂肪酸酯均具有抗氧化活性,且芦丁月桂酸酯和芦丁正己酸酯的抗氧化活性均明显优于芦丁,其中芦丁正己酸酯具有最好的抗氧化活性。在芦丁分子中引入适宜长度的短烃基链可以改善其亲水亲脂平衡从而提高其抗氧化活性。 Esterification of the hydroxyl groups of flavonoid glucosides by fatty acids is a possible way to improve the hydrophilic and antioxidant properties of flavonoid glucosides. The aim of the present work was to evaluate in vitro the antioxidant properties of three new semisynthetic rutin derivatives, rutin-4'''-O-stearate ( RS), rutin4'''-O-laurate (RL) and rutin-4'''-O-caproate( RC), obtained by esterification of 4-0H in the rhamnose moiety. The antioxidant activities of rutin and the three esters were assessed using the content of thiobabiturirc acid reactive substances(TBARS) as index, and the inhibitory effects on oxidative modification of lecithin induced by Fe&2+ were compared. The results showed that three rutin esters could inhibit the oxidation and the rele of both RL and RC were better than that of rutin ; RC showed the highest efficiency. The findings demonstrated that the esterification of g-OH in the rhamnose moiety may improve the antioxidant activity of rutin.
出处 《天然产物研究与开发》 CAS CSCD 2009年第4期586-588,共3页 Natural Product Research and Development
关键词 芦丁脂肪酸酯 卵磷脂 氧化修饰 抗氧化活性 rutin ester lecithin oxidative modification antioxidative activity
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