研究目的:铁路工程环境水是否具有侵蚀性,直接关系到工程投资、工程的耐久性和安全。为此,铁路工程建设活动各方人员需正确理解和执行《铁路工程水质分析规程》,统一铁路工程水质分析方法和技术要求,提供准确可靠的水质分析技术参数,准确判定环境水的侵蚀类型和侵蚀等级。研究结论:为提高环境水侵蚀性分析判定准确度,首先应保证采样的真实性和代表性,有的水质具有动态性,应及时分析;其次环境水的侵蚀性主要与pH值以及SO24-、C l-、侵蚀性CO2、Mg2+浓度和总矿化度(溶解盐类)有关,针对不同的水质成分和浓度范围,选取相应的分析方法、仪器设备、配制溶液,采取一些特殊处理措施,选定水质分析技术参数,把握好化学反应关键点,才能确保分析结果的准确性;一般铁路工程环境水侵蚀性判定标准按《铁路混凝土结构耐久性设计暂行规定》执行,对于特殊工程除按上述规定判定外,还需按国家标准判定,以防漏掉侵蚀类型或降低侵蚀等级。
Research purposes: Whether the railway engineering corrodes the environment water or not alrecuy influences the construction cost, durability and safety. Therefore, the all persons working for the railway construction should the correctly understand and implement "Code for Analysis of Water Quality in Railway Engineering" to unify the analysis method and technical requirements for water quality in railway engineering, provide the accurate reliable technical parameters for analysis of water quality and accurately determine the corrosive type and degree of environment water.Research conclusions: In order to enhance the accuracy of analyzing water, first of all, the analysis should be made in time to guarantee because some water qualities are changeable. Secondly, the corrosion value, SO4^2-, CI^-, corrosive CO2, Mg^2+ density and total dissolved and determining the corrosion of environment the reality and representation of the sampling of environment water mainly relates to the pH salts (dissolved salts ). so the corresponding analysis method, the instruments and configuration solution should be adopted and some special measures should be taken for the different water quality component and concentration range. Selecting the technical parameters for analysis of water quality and grasping the key points of the chemical reaction can guarantee the accuracy of analysis result. The standards for determining the corrosion of environment water for general railway engineering follow the "Temporary Provision for Railway Concrete Durability Structure Design". For the special engineering, some additional state standards should be followed except the standard mentioned above to fully and correctly determine the corrosive type and degree.
Journal of Railway Engineering Society
railway engineering
corrosive water analysis