对比分析了美国电科院控制中心应用程序接口(CCAPI)推荐的图形中心和域中心图形交换方案,指出图形中心方案易于实现一对象多图、支持背景图形显示以及方便实现图形扩展等优点。IEC61970推荐使用可缩放矢量图形(SVG)为电力系统图形标准,着重研究了在图形中心交换方案中使用SVG metadata模型和IEC61968 Location包规范图形交互信息,实现信息一致性理解和图形合并的方法;提出了基于发布/订阅模式的异步交互模式,以克服同步请求/应答图形信息交互模式信息冗余多的缺点,提高图形交互的效率。以某厂站和变电站为例说明了利用Location和metadata信息实现信息异步交互和图形合并的过程,验证了方法的有效性。
Two graphics exchange approaches recommended by CCAPI are compared,i.e, the graphics centric approach and the domain centric approach. It is pointed out that,the former is better in muhiple graphics display,graphics extension and background data support. SVG(Sealable Vector Graphics) is the standard graphics format of power system recommended by IEC. The way of the graphics centric approach to standardize the graphics information exchange using IEC61968 Location package and SVG metadata model and to realize the consistent information understanding and graphics merging is studied. To avoid the redundancy information occurred in of synchronous request/reply graphics exchange mode and enhance the exchange efficiency,an asynchronous graphics exchange mechanism based on publish/subscribe architecture is proposed. An example of graphics merging and asynchronous information exchange between a power plant and a power station using SVG metadata model and location package is presented to prove its effectiveness.
Electric Power Automation Equipment