Objective To retrospect the callers' information and the content of the telephone consultations in the mental Crisis Research and Prevention Center of Kunming to explore the importance of the mental hotline in the mental crisis prevention. Methods There were 3392 callers who telephone us through the mental health hotline since the mental health hotline of our center was opened,we analyzed the callers' information and the content of the telephone consultations satisfactorily. Results The callers were generally 19 to 40 years old,the content of the consultations were focused on psychosis consultation,emotional problems,amative and marital problems,children's education problems and psychosexual problems and so on.Men and women had different attitudes to the family problems,the children's education problems and the sexual problems.Conclusion Mental Counseling is mostly needed and the content of the mental counseling covers a wide range.The mental health hotline has an important role in the mental crisis prevention.
China Journal of Health Psychology
Mental health hotline
Mental crisis prevention
Mental counseling