The Yangtze River is the largest navigable river in China. During the construction period of TGP, in order that the navigation development of Yangtze River might not be influenced, the water transport along the river reach of damsite should be unimpeded and safe. This is an important technical issue to be dealt with. After repeatedly studying the TGP and taking into consideration of various possible conditions, it has been adopted to widen and deepen diversion open channel on the right bank, and to provide winching device and powerful towboats for facilitating shipping, and to construct temporary shiplock on the left bank , and meanwhile to harness the navigation channel beyond the diversion open channel and the approach channel of the temporary shiplock for maximizing the navigation capability of these two navigation lines. Besides above facilities, some comprehensive transport projects, such as transshipment wharf on the upstream and highway overpassing the dam, will be constructed to deal with conditions of unexpected emergency and the passenger and cargo shipment during impounding period. Through reasonable regulation and administration, these facilities can be expected to meet the passenger and cargo shipping requirement on the Yangtze River during construction period satisfactorily.
Yangtze River
Navigation during construction period Diversion channel Navigation lock Sanxia Multipurpose Project