1例29岁男性患者,1 d内服用对乙酰氨基酚片(0.5 g)共20片后出现语无伦次,行为异常。入院后实验室检查:ALT26 U/L,AST16 U/L;BUN43 mmol/L,SCr 235μmol/L,血糖4.2 mmol/L。第2天患者出现昏迷,血糖1.2 mmol/L。经对症治疗,2周后血糖及肾功能均恢复正常。
A 29-year-old man developed paraphasia and abnormal behaviors after taking a total of 20 paracetamol (0.5 g) tablets within one day. After admission, laboratory tests revealed the following values: ALT 26 U/L, AST 16 U/L, BUN 43 mmol/L, SCr 235 μmol/L, and blood glucose 4.2 mmol/L. The next day, he presented with a coma and his blood glucose was 1.2 mmoL/L. Symptomatic treatment was given. Two weeks later, his blood glucose level and renal function were return to within normal ranges.
Adverse Drug Reactions Journal