
他克莫司治疗的患者加用氟康唑出现癫痫发作 被引量:5

Epileptic seizure occurring in a patient receiving tacrolimus following addition of fluconazole
摘要 1例56岁男性肝移植患者口服他克莫司2.5 mg,1次/12 h和考麦酚吗乙酯500 mg,1次/12 h。他克莫司血浓度为6.8ng/ml。患者因持续低热给予哌拉西林钠-他唑巴坦钠和甲硝唑治疗。入院第8天为预防真菌感染加用氟康唑胶囊(200 mg)1粒,2次/d。他克莫司血浓度为7.9 ng/ml。氟康唑治疗第10天,患者出现反应迟钝、双眼向左侧斜视、上肢抽搐、牙关紧闭及意识不清。他克莫司浓度为12.4 ng/ml,他克莫司剂量调整为1.5 mg,1次/d。患者症状缓解,住院第35天他克莫司血浓度为7.8 ng/ml。 A 56-year-old male liver transplant recipient received tacrolimus 2.5 mg once every 12 hours and mycophenolate mofetil 500 mg once every 12 hours. Blood tacrolimus level was 6.8 ng/ml. The patient was treated with piperacillin sodium-tazobactam sodium and metronidazole for low-grade fever. On day 8 of hospitalization, 1 fluconazole 200 mg capsule twice daily was added to his regimen for prevention of fungal infections. Blood tacrolimus level was 7.9 ng/ml. On day 10 of fluconazole therapy. He developed bradykinesia, left gaze deviation of his eyes, tic of upper limbs, trismus, and confusion. Blood tacrolimus level was 12.4 ng/ml. Tacrolimus was adjusted to 1.5 mg once daily. His symptoms relieved. On day 35 of hospitalization, blood tacrolimus level was 7.8 ng/ml.
出处 《药物不良反应杂志》 2009年第4期267-268,共2页 Adverse Drug Reactions Journal
关键词 他克莫司 氟康唑 不良反应 癫痫发作 tacrolimus fluconazole adverse reactions epileptic seizures
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