1例38岁女性患者,因红皮病、急性肾衰竭入院。入院时检测示:WBC 25.03×109/L,RBC 4.26×1012/L,Hb 130 g/L,PLT279×109/L。入院第7天,为控制感染给予利奈唑胺600 mg静脉滴注,2次/d。第17天停用利奈唑胺,改为替考拉宁400mg静滴,1次/48 h。第19天查PLT为25×109/L。第20天停用替考拉宁,改为利奈唑胺600 mg,2次/d。查PLT为37×109/L。第22天停用利奈唑胺,改为替考拉宁400 mg静滴,并输入新鲜血浆和血小板各200 ml。入院第35天患者PLT为101×109/L。
ABSTRACT A 38-year-old woman was hospitalized with erythroderma and acute renal failure. On admission , the laboratory testing revealed a WBC count of25.03 × 10^9/L, a RBC count of 4.26 × 10^12/L, Hb 130 g/L, and a platelet count of 279 ×10^9/L. On day 7 of hospitalization, the patient received an IV infusion of linezolid 600mg twice daily for control of infections. On day 17, linezolid was discontinued and changed to an IV infusion of teieoplanin 400 mg once every 48 hours. On day 19, her platet count was 25 ×10^9/L. On day 20, teicoplanin was stopped and switched to an IV infusion of linezolid 600mg twice daily. Her platelet count was 37 × 10^9/L. On day 22, linezolid was discontinued and changed to an IV infusion of teieoplain 400 mg, and fresh plasma 200 ml and platelet 200ml were transfursed, respectively. On day 35 of hospitalization, her plateled count was 101×10^9/L.
Adverse Drug Reactions Journal