Gas-solid flow in the riser of a dense fluidized bed using Geldart B particles (sand), at high gas velocity (7.6-15.5 m/s)s) and with comparatively high solid flux (140-333.8 kg]m^2 s), was investigated experimentally and simulated by computational fluid dynamics (CFD), both two- and three-dimensional and using the Gidaspow, O'Brien-Syamlal, Koch-Hill-Ladd and EMMS drag models, The results predicted by EMMS drag model showed the best agreement with experimental results. Calculated axial solids hold-up profiles, in particular, are well consistent with experimental data. The flow structure in the riser was well represented by the CFD results, which also indicated the cause of cluster formation. Complex hydrody-namical behaviors of particle cluster were observed. The relative motion between gas and solid phases and axial heterogeneity in the three subzones of the riser were also investigated, and were found to be consistent with predicted flow structure. The model could well depict the difference between the two exit configurations used, viz., semi-bend smooth exit and T-shaped abrupt exit. The numerical results indicate that the proposed EMMS method gives better agreement with the experimental results as compared with the Gidaspow, O'Brien-Syamlal, Koch-Hill-Ladd models. As a result, the proposed drag force model can be used as an efficient aporoach for the dense zas-solid two-ohase flow.
Gas-solid flow in the riser of a dense fluidized bed using Geldart B particles (sand), at high gas velocity (7.6-15.5 m/s)s) and with comparatively high solid flux (140-333.8 kg]m^2 s), was investigated experimentally and simulated by computational fluid dynamics (CFD), both two- and three-dimensional and using the Gidaspow, O'Brien-Syamlal, Koch-Hill-Ladd and EMMS drag models, The results predicted by EMMS drag model showed the best agreement with experimental results. Calculated axial solids hold-up profiles, in particular, are well consistent with experimental data. The flow structure in the riser was well represented by the CFD results, which also indicated the cause of cluster formation. Complex hydrody-namical behaviors of particle cluster were observed. The relative motion between gas and solid phases and axial heterogeneity in the three subzones of the riser were also investigated, and were found to be consistent with predicted flow structure. The model could well depict the difference between the two exit configurations used, viz., semi-bend smooth exit and T-shaped abrupt exit. The numerical results indicate that the proposed EMMS method gives better agreement with the experimental results as compared with the Gidaspow, O'Brien-Syamlal, Koch-Hill-Ladd models. As a result, the proposed drag force model can be used as an efficient aporoach for the dense zas-solid two-ohase flow.
supports on the this work from the National High Technology Research and Development of China863 Program(Grant 2006AA05A103)
the National Natural Science Foundation(Grant 40501017)