Using the way of simularity analog testcombining with theoretical analysis, throughresearch and comparision. author analyses thestress distribution deformation law in surroundingrock of gatercad junction, the mechanism of roofaccident and the stability of surrounding rock, etc.In the theoretical study, elastic stress distributionof two sections of gateroad were superosed toobtain stress isopleth distribution in the junction.Then, the result. may be corrected by the analogtest. The way of test is: to use 13 stereo simularityanalog test rigs with scale 1:25, the analog test fordifferent dip angles, the junction angles andworking depths is carried out for rectangle sectionof a gateroad. Finally, it has been obtained thatwith the increase in the dip angle and workingdepth, and decrease in the junction angle and thestrength of country rock, the stability ofsurrounding rock at the junction decrease. Amongthis, the strength of surrounding rock (especially,two ribs) is the most important factor which effectson the deformation of gateroad. Also, it has beenfound that there is critical depth in the gateroad,and a specific parameter of weighting at junction,so-called 'Equivalent span' , which is caused bybreaking of surrounding rock.
Ground Pressure and Strata Control