
后发企业知识传导的路径及其微理机理——以深圳研祥智能公司为例 被引量:2

Research on paths and micro-mechanisms of knowledge transfer in latecomer firm
摘要 假定企业是一个彼此异质的知识的集合体和积累知识的有效制度,而知识传导是"知识接收者"与"知识提供者"间的互动学习。在此前提假设下从后发企业知识接收者的视角研究知识流动规律及其转移路径,提出知识传导的主体边界、知识传导活动、知识属性三个维度所构建的整合传导路径框架,剖析单维度和两两维度组合的子路径过程,然后,分析知识传导路径的广度、密度、速度和交互性等关键特征及其影响知识传导的机理,最后,以深圳研祥公司为例,印证本研究的相关结论。 The precondition assumes the firm is the collection of knowledge and the regime of accumulating knowledge. Knowledge transfer is the learning between the suppliers and receivers of knowledge. The paper studies the rule and paths of knowledge transfer, brings forward the three dimensions paths structuring by people scope, activities of knowledge transfer, knowledge attributes. Then the several sub - paths and their influencing key factors are discussed. Finally, the paper analyzes the EVOC case for proving the related conclusions.
作者 江积海
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第9期1376-1383,共8页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(07CTQ007)
关键词 后发企业 知识传导 三维路径 知识向量 关键特征 latecomer firm knowledge transfer transferring paths knowledge vector key drivers
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