目的:讨论霍奇金淋巴瘤伴急性粒-单核细胞白血病(AML-M4Eo)患者2种恶性血液系统疾病是否具有一定的相关性。方法:收集患者临床资料,骨髓细胞学,RT-PCR,FISH,查阅网络最新报道及数据库相关文献。结果:CBFβ/MYH11融合基因(+);染色体核型分析示47,XX,inv(16)(p13q22),+22;FISH inv(16)阳性率75%;免疫分型示HLA-DR、CD33、CD34、CD13、CD117、CD14等细胞相关抗原均为阳性,淋系明显受抑;2者尚未发现有交叉抗原及可能相关基因表达。结论:本例为来源于淋系干细胞和髓系干细胞2个不同克隆的细胞,2者之间并未有特定的联系。患者某种基因片段的不稳定性在外界某些因素如化疗和放疗等的诱导下引起突变,导致白血病的发生。
Objective:To discuss the correlation of one patient suffering from Hodgkin lymphoma (HL)with a cute myeloid leukemia subtype M4 Eo (AML-M4 Eo). Method: Clinic information collecting, RT-PCR, FISH, consuiting newest reports online and references in database. Result: The positive rate of fusion gene CBFB-MYH11 (+); karyotype analysis 47, XX, inv(16)(p13q22), +22; FISH inv (16) was 75%; Through flow cytometry HLA-DR, CD33, CD34, CD13, CD117, CD14 was expressed. Conclusion:The result shown that HL and AML- M4 Eo were different clonal origins, may lead to mutation through chemotherapy and radiotherapy .
Journal of Clinical Hematology