
计算机网络电视(IPTV)关键技术及解决方案 被引量:1

Key Technology and Solution for IPTV
摘要 IPTV已经成为广电和电信行业共同的热点。通过分析建设IPTV系统中的关键问题与主要业务分析及IPTV系统中的若干技术:媒体服务技术、互动节目指南(IPG)技术、机顶盒(STB)技术等,制定了整个系统的解决方案,展望了发展前景。 IPTV has become the common hotspot of both broadcast and TV industry and telecommunication industry. This paper analyzes the key problems during the establishment of IPTV system, its main business, and several technologies of IPTV system including media service technology, IPG technology, set- top box technology, etc. It makes the solution for the whole system and gives the developing prospect.
作者 邢铁燕
出处 《天津职业院校联合学报》 2009年第5期47-50,共4页 Journal of Tianjin Vocational Institutes
关键词 网络电视 机顶盒 内容分发系统 媒体资产管理系统 IPTV set- top box content delivery system media asset management system
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