
康德《实践理性批判》中的自由范畴表解读 被引量:9

Interpretation on Kant's Table of the Categories of Freedom in Critique of Practical Reason
摘要 In Critique of practical Reason,Kant established,starting from the relationships among the concepts of good,evil and freedom,a table of the categories of the freedom which is corresponding to the table of the categories of understanding.But his description of this table is only limited within pointing out that it developed from the Willkür of general practice of reason into the Wille and Automomie of purely practical reason,and so explained only the categories of Quantity.This paper analyzes the interpretation of Kant,and along his train of thought,associating the relevant discussions in Critique of Pure Reason,Basis of Moral Metaphysics and Moral Metaphysics,and points out that:the category of "quality" from "agency" to "prohibited" and to "exception" expressed the rising morale consciousness;the three items in the category of "relation" is secretly coincide with the three transformed formulas of the Categorical Imperative.While in category of "Modus",it demonstrates possibility,reality and inevitability of moral-law-based free will in practical operation,and finally transits to the unity of freedom and the moral highest good.This article emphasized that Kant’s table of categories of freedom is the master outline of his complete practical philosophy,rather than a non-essential accessories. In Critique of practical Reason,Kant established,starting from the relationships among the concepts of good,evil and freedom,a table of the categories of the freedom which is corresponding to the table of the categories of understanding.But his description of this table is only limited within pointing out that it developed from the Willkür of general practice of reason into the Wille and Automomie of purely practical reason,and so explained only the categories of Quantity.This paper analyzes the interpretation of Kant,and along his train of thought,associating the relevant discussions in Critique of Pure Reason,Basis of Moral Metaphysics and Moral Metaphysics,and points out that:the category of 'quality' from 'agency' to 'prohibited' and to 'exception' expressed the rising morale consciousness;the three items in the category of 'relation' is secretly coincide with the three transformed formulas of the Categorical Imperative.While in category of 'Modus',it demonstrates possibility,reality and inevitability of moral-law-based free will in practical operation,and finally transits to the unity of freedom and the moral highest good.This article emphasized that Kant's table of categories of freedom is the master outline of his complete practical philosophy,rather than a non-essential accessories.
作者 邓晓芒
出处 《哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第9期63-72,共10页 Philosophical Research
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