4Gawker. corn Interviews CPUSA Head, John Bachtell, August 2161, 2015. http://www, cpusa, org/ gawker-com-interviews-cpusa-head-john-bachtell/.
5Central Office, Quebec & Regional Offices, Communist Party of Canada. http://www, parti- communiste, ca/? page_id = 107.
6An Introduction to the Communist Party of Australia, http://www, cpa. org. au/about-us/02 - an- introduction-to-the-cpa, html.
7A Profile of the Japanese Communist Party, January, 2015, http ://www. jcp. or. jp/english/2011what_ jcp. html.
8JCP Issues Statement on Its Major Gains in 1st Half of Local Elections, April the 14th, 2015, http:// www. jcp. or. jp/english/jcpcc/blog/2015/O4/20150414a. html.
9JCP Gains 62 More Seats in 2nd Half of Local Elections, April the 28'h, 2015. http ://www. jcp. or. jp/ english/jcpcc/blog/2015/O4/20150428a, html.