The relation between protein sequence and protein secondary structure is very important, which has been studied by the method of building the model. Based on the models (between pair-coupled amino acid and protein secondary structure) in literature, the models between the number of tria-coupled amino acid in protein sequence and the number of protein secondary structure have been built. The models are more accurately reflect the relation between protein sequence and protein secondary structure. The models are more suitable to deal with the data in which the length of protein sequence varies a lot. Comparing with the models between pair- coupled amino acid and protein secondary structure, the models contain more information about coupling effect among varies kinds of amino acids, and therefore are of the higher fitting accuracy. The data set in the research is very large, because the kinds of tria-coupied amino acid in protein sequence are very big (4 200) and the number of samples from DSSP database is also very large (11 BOO). The results indicate that the PLS variable selection method is effective to deal with the huge data modeling problem in which the number of variables is 4 200 and the number of samples is 11 600.
Journal of Xiamen University:Natural Science