
一种基于邻近距离的分布式入侵防御系统模型 被引量:1

Distributed IPS Model Based on Near Neighbor Distance
摘要 分析了现有入侵防御系统的体系结构及存在的主要问题;根据入侵防御系统的特点,提出了一种基于邻近距离的分布式入侵防御系统(Intrusion Prevention System,IPS)模型。模型定义了系统中的消息类型,采用基于消息的协作方式可增强系统部署的灵活性,通过计算节点间的邻近距离优化通信范围,并给出相应的消息转发策略,以减少系统的消息量。实验表明,模型可以显著减少分布式入侵防御系统的网络负载。 The characteristics and problems of Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) architecture were analyzed.and a distributed IPS model based on near neighbor distance was proposed in this paper. In the model, message types transmitted between cooperation nodes were defined, and a message-based cooperation method was adopted to enhance the flexibility for system deployment. In order to reduce the redundant message, the distance between nodes was calculated and the communication region was optimized in the model. The experimental results show that the model decreases the IPS network load evidently.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第9期55-58,共4页 Computer Science
基金 国防科工委"十一五"预研计划(No.C0820061362-06 No.A1420080183) 国家"863"国家信息安全计划(No.2007AA01Z464) 船舶工业国防科技预研基金项目(No.08J3.7.8)资助
关键词 分布式 入侵防御系统 网络负载 协作 Distributed, Intrusion prevention system(IPS), Network load,Cooperation
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