
基于SYSNOISE的轴流式风机管道噪声辐射仿真分析 被引量:4

Acoustic Radiation Simulation of Air-intake and Air-exhaust Pipe of an Axis-flow Fan Based on SYSNOISE
摘要 结合有限元法和边界元法,对某火电厂轴流式风机的本体及进/出气管道进行了声一振仿真,分析其声辐射场的特点。首先,用Pro/E软件建立风机进/出气和本体管道的三维实体模型,并用ANSYS进行网格划分后再导入SYSNOISE中建立其声场分析的边界元模型。其次,在400~700Hz范围内进行结构有限元谐响应分析,得到管道表面振动速度作为边界元分析的边界条件。最后,采用间接边界元法计算场点声辐射强度,仿真结果分析表明:在650Hz附近的声压最大;各场点的转折频率接近;不同场点的声压随频率的变化趋势基本相同。 The finite element method (FEM) and boundary element method (BEM) are combined to perform noise - vibration simulation of the air - intake and air - exhaust pipe of an air - flow fan. First,the 3D model built in Pro/E was forwar- ded to FEM software ANSYS to generate elements meshing. Then the mesh mode was forward to SYSNOISE to get its BEM model. Secondly the structure harmonic response during 400 - 700 Hz was simulated in ANSYS to get surface vibration velocity for BEM boundary conditions data. Indirect BEM method was adopted to calculate acoustic radiation noise intensity of the air- intake and air- exhaust pipe. The results show that. the maximum sound pressure occurs around 650 Hz; the corner frequencies of all field points are nearly the samel the trend of different field points at same frequency bands are similar.
出处 《机械与电子》 2009年第9期32-35,共4页 Machinery & Electronics
关键词 风机 管道 噪声辐射 SYSNOISE 有限元 边界元 fan pipe noise - radiation SYS- NOISE FEM BEM
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