
结果导向的社会工作评估指标体系建构研究——以都江堰市城北馨居灾后重建服务为例 被引量:26

A Study of Evaluation Index System of Result-oriented Social Work——The Case Study of Post-disaster Reconstruction Services in Dujiangyan
摘要 与科学发展观紧密相关的政府职能转型要求中国社会的治理模式由政社高度合一向政社分工合作迅速转变。"公共管理社会化"与"公共服务市场化"使政府不再是公共服务的唯一供给方,很大一部分社会管理与公共服务的职能将向非营利组织转移,而其中社会工作与社会工作者将扮演重要的角色。通过构建基于结果导向的社会工作服务评估体系,则能够对服务质量进行有效监管与控制,从而促使提供服务的社会工作服务机构保持活力,加强管理,改善业绩,提高责信度,以及提升服务品质与服务效率。 Thoroughly applying the Scientific Outlook on Development requires the transformation of governance model from firmly unity to sharing out work and cooperation each other of government and society. Social--oriented public administration and market--oriented public service mean Non--profit organizations (NPO), including many social work agencies, would take over the vast majority of functions of social management. By building resuhs--based social work service evaluation system, the quality of social work service can be effective supervised and controlled, simultaneously it also would actuate the social work agencies to maintain vitality, strengthen management, improve performance, enhance accountability, as well as upgrade the quality and efficiency of social work service.
作者 朱晨海 曾群
出处 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期63-68,共6页 Journal of Northwest Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 评估 结果导向 社会工作 公共服务 assessment results-based social work public service
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