
一种面向行星探测的多轮机器人协调控制方法 被引量:1

A Coordinated Control Method of Multi-wheeled Robot for Planet Exploration
摘要 面向星球表面探测应用,在研究基于曲柄滑块的多主动轮驱动结构的基础上,对机器人多轮协调控制问题进行研究.对机器人在平坦以及崎岖地面行驶时驱动力矩的变化进行了详细分析.提出了一种基于驱动力矩变化的多主动轮协调控制方法,并在多轮移动机器人平台上得到了实现.实车试验表明,该方法可以减少因各轮运动不协调所产生的纵向滑移现象,提高了码盘定位精度,有效地降低了能耗. For the planet surface exploration, a multi-wheel-driven structure based on a crank slider is investigated, and the multi-wheel coordinated control problem of the robot is studied. The variations of the driving torques of the robot moving both on the planar and rough terrains are analyzed in detail. A multi-drivers coordinated control method based on the variations of driving torques is proposed and realized on the platform of the multi-wheeled mobile robot. The field tests indicate that the method decreases the longitudinal slide caused by uncoordinated movements of the wheels, and increases the accuracy of the encoder localization, and so the energy consumption is reduced effectively.
出处 《机器人》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期433-437,444,共6页 Robot
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(90820302 60774076)
关键词 协调控制 驱动力矩 多主动轮 曲柄滑块 coordinated control driving torque multi-drivers crank slider
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