
世界保护区研究初探——从保护区有效性视角 被引量:1

Preliminary Study on World Conservation Union——From Perspective of Effectiveness
摘要 自20世纪80年代以来,世界保护区建设取得了长足的进步,为有效保护生物多样性做出了积极贡献,各个研究领域对保护区研究已广泛并持续地开展起来。简要回顾了世界保护区发展历程、世界保护区建立的地域差异、保护区角色转变等,重点从森林砍伐率、当地居民生计、生物多样性保护和减少贫困、原著民研究方面对保护区有效性测定研究进行了综述。 From the 20 last century 80's, the construction of the World Conservation Union made great progress, and made a positive contribution to biodiversity. The research on protected areas had widely and continuously developed. This article reviewed the history of the construction of the World Conservation Union, geographical differences and changes in the role of protected areas. It focused on the summary of determination of the effec- tiveness of the protected areas, relating to rates of deforestation, the hvelihood of local communities, biodiversity conservation, poverty reduction and indigenous people.
作者 王霞
出处 《资源开发与市场》 CAS CSSCI 2009年第10期903-906,共4页 Resource Development & Market
关键词 世界保护区 有效性 研究 the World Conservation Union effectiveness research
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